什麼是Parareal Project?

HIKKY所倡導的「Parareal」是「平行世界」和「現實世界」的造語,指現實世界與元宇宙的平行存在。 在Parareal Project裡面,將通過現實世界中存在的城市重新詮釋為元宇宙中的城市。也就是說我們重新設計一個將現實城市的美好與元宇宙獨有的自由表現形式相結合的新城市。 為了實現「任何人都可以自由地解釋和使用的Parareal城市」,我們計劃是為全球100個城市創建虛擬城市,並在「開放元宇宙」這一理念中,提供這一構想。


作為Virtual Market虛擬展會2021的企業會場登場。一進入這個世界,映入眼簾的是澀谷街道和燈光,這些都是現實世界的精心再現。並且我們讓現實與虛擬相互關聯,例如根據現實世界的天氣情況,改變天空的模樣,隨著遊客數量的增減,改變建築物的高度,元宇宙中的澀谷和真實澀谷的最新情報會以「空間時間軸」的彈幕形式出現等。我們展現了連接現實和虛擬的Parareal都市。
作為Comic Vket2的會場登場,其後它作為Virtual Market 2021的企業會場開幕。 從秋葉原站東口到電器街和末廣町的區域在虛擬空間中得以精確再現。 我們採用了許多在現實城市中難以實現的科技特效,例如可讓您在VR空間中體驗AR遊戲、放置巨大模型,以及將整個電器街變成彩色的舞臺。
作為Virtual Market虛擬展會2022 Summer的企業會場登場。這也是Parareal Project的第一個海外城市。紐約是世界上最大的娛樂之都,在這裡我們製作了一個「懸浮滑板」,可以讓您在城市中自由移動。您可以穿越在絢麗多彩的街道裡面,享受只有在元宇宙才有的全新體驗。
作為Virtual Market虛擬展會2022 Summer的企業會場登場。日本的第二大城市大阪在元宇宙上重現。當邁進這裡的一瞬間,就會看到美麗的夜空,閃閃發光的霓虹燈,街道兩旁熱鬧的餐館。這裡充滿了笑臉和美食的歡樂氣氛,您還可以享受大阪的通天閣和戎橋等觀光景點。另外,華麗的煙火匯演給人帶來日本夏天的感覺。
Para-real Paris
Para-real Paris
Open as a venue for corporate exhibitors at Virtual Market 2022Winter. The Eiffel Tower rises higher than a rainbow in the clear blue sky. Paris, the city of flowers, the center of French culture and one of the world's leading tourist cities, is now on metaverse.
Para-real Nagoya
Para-real Nagoya
Nagoya, a leading city in the Tokai region, was the venue for corporate exhibitors at Virtual Market 2022 Winter. Nagoya Castle, golden killer whales, and the combination of dynamic skyscrapers and beautiful nature have been recreated from the unique perspective of Para-real.
Para-real Sapporo
Para-real Sapporo
Sapporo" from Hokkaido, the land of the north, was the venue for corporate exhibitors at Virtual Market 2022 Winter. The orderly and beautiful cityscape of Sapporo has been recreated. Numerous snow statues have been set up in the virtual city to evoke the winter of Sapporo. You can enjoy Sapporo with powdery snow.
Para-real Las Vegas
Para-real Las Vegas
Las Vegas, the world-class entertainment city, was opened as the corporate venue for Virtual Market 2023 Summer. A huge dome covering the entire city represents Las Vegas by glittering night. Just walking around the glamorous streets under the beautiful starry sky will be a pleasure.
Para-real Fukuoka
Para-real Fukuoka
Fukuoka, Kyushu's leading city, was the corporate venue for Virtual Market 2023 Summer. Visitors was able to enjoy a cityscape that concentrates all the elements of Fukuoka, including the Nakasu area, Dazaifu area, and Itoshima area, with Fukuoka's famous low-flying airplanes, udon noodles, and mentaiko (seasoned cod roe) set up throughout the city.